Properties Reference

Field Property Description Data Type Default Value Max Length Max Value
form fontsize Font Size: Change font size number 14 3 50
form options Payment form product options in JSON format. string 917 0
form hideMailEmptyFields Hide empty fields on submission email.
This only works using the default email notifier.
disable, enable
disable 10 0
form limitSubmission Submission Limit: Limit the number of total submissions (e.g. 1000) number No Limit 8 0
form messageOfLimitedForm Set a message for forms which are expired or limited. string This form is currently unavailable! 2000 0
form sendpostdata Send HTTP POST data to Thank You Page. If you set this to Yes the data is posted on the page where the user is redirected after the form submission. enum
No, Yes
No 10 0
form activeRedirect What happens when someone submits the form. default shows them a default thank you message. thanktext and thankurl allows you to customize the thank you message or redirect user to another page. enum
thanktext, thankurl, default
10 0
form alignment Alignment of form question labels and form input fields. enum
Left, Top, Right
10 0
form expireDate Disable form on a date. Format: 2012-10-30 13:00. string 16 2012
form font Font face for the form labels. Example: Tahoma string 99 0
form fontcolor Color of the fonts used on question labels on the form. string 16 0
form formWidth Width of the Form in pixels. number 6 2000
form highlightLine Highlight Effect: Yellow background effect on focused inputs enum
Enabled, Disabled
10 0
form labelWidth Width of the question labels on the form in pixels. number 6 1000
form lineSpacing Spaces between questions number 20 100
form pagetitle Page Title of the form. string 2000 0
form styles Theme used in the form. ie: Default, Pastel. enum
nova, form, solid, big, baby_blue, industrial_dark, jottheme, pastel, OldPaper, Jot Theme, paper_grey, denimjeans, post_it_yellow, Default, Baby Blue, Nova Theme
Default 100 0
form thanktext Thank you message shown after the form submission. activeRedirect must be set as thanktext for this to be active. string 62354 0
form unique Check uniqueness of submission. Loose check only uses cookies. Strict checks the IP address of the user as well. enum
None, Loose, Strict
None 100 0
form uniqueField Unique Question: Do not allow previously entered values. string 100 0
form background Background color of the form. string 1000 0
form secure (DEPRECATED) Should the form be secure by default? enum
No, Yes
No 10 0
form expiredDate Expire form on yyyy-mm-dd. string 10 0
form injectCSS Inject Custom CSS code to a form. string 20000 0
form disabled Enable or Disable a form. enum
Enabled, Disabled
10 0
form thankurl Thank You URL: Redirect user to a page after submission string 2000 0